ARKEA REAL ESTATE, gestion d'actifs immobiliers

ARKEA REAL ESTATE, gestion d'actifs immobiliers


Arkéa Real Estate is the company specializing in a versatile and highly adaptable asset management activities on behalf of third parties of Arkéa Investment Services.

With more than 1.5 billion euros in real estate assets under management, Arkéa Real Estate combine several dozens of years of track-record in originating, investing, asset managing and disposing of real estate assets of all classes.



maintien domicile

Real estate asset management

Arkéa Real estate dedicates its real estate expertise in investing activities, asset, and property management on behalf of third parties, includind:

  • French and international institutional investors such as insurance companies, pension funds, investment funds, sovereign funds...
  • Family offices and wealthy individuals.

At the crossroad of property and finance, Arkéa Real Estate offers a comprehensive range of services tailored for France and Europe:

  • Strategy, acquisition, development, financing, arbitration, assignment and administration
  • For all classes of property assets: offices, retails, housing, logistics, hospitality.






silver avenir


Arkéa Real Estate is the company specializing in a versatile and highly adaptable asset management activities on behalf of third parties of Arkéa Investment Services.

With more than 1.5 billion euros in real estate assets under management, Arkéa Real Estate combine several dozens of years of track-record in originating, investing, asset managing and disposing of real estate assets of all classes.



Société par actions simplifiée au capital de 200 000 € - 798 456 810 RCS Paris – SIRET : 79845681000034 – APE 6499Z – N° Identification TVA : FR 62 798456810. Titulaire des cartes professionnelles "Transaction sur immeubles et fonds de commerce" et "Gestion Immobilière", délivrées par la CCI de Paris Ile de France sous le N° CPI 7501 2018 000 033 321. Garantie professionnelle par CEGC – 16 rue Hoche, Tour Kupka B, TSA 399999 92919 La Défense cedex